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As a merchant of record, we manage your payments, tax and compliance needs, so you can focus on growth.

Platform Collage

Your all-in-one payments 


The only complete billing solution for digital products. Payments, tax, subscription management and more, all handled for you.

Discover Billing
SaaS billing dashboard

ProfitWell Metrics

Keep a finger on the pulse of your business with accurate, accessible revenue reporting for subscription and SaaS companies - completely free.

Discover ProfitWell Metrics
Metrics SaaS analytics dashboard


A smarter way to recover failed payments, Retain automatically recovers failed card payments and increases customer retention. Set it up once and we’ll do the rest.

Discover Retain
Retain automatic customer retention software


Over 4,000+ software businesses use Paddle to scale their commercial operations

43 million transactions processed

$111 million in taxes collected and remitted

4,000+ customers using Paddle

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FortinetMacPawLaravelAdaptavistGeoGuessrn8n.iotailwind labsremovebgBeyondCodeDayliteGETBLOCK

Our model

How is Paddle different?

Paddle provides more than just the plumbing for your revenue. As a merchant of record, we do it for you.

What is a merchant of record?

Build and maintain relationships with payment providers

Take on liability for charging and remitting sales taxes, globally

Take on liability for all fraud that takes place on our platform

Reconcile your revenue data across billing and payment methods

Handle all billing-related support queries for you

Reduce churn by recovering failed payments

Join 4,000+ businesses already growing with Paddle

We built the complete payment stack, so you don‘t have to

Explore Paddle

Learn more about the Paddle platform and services


See all-inclusive pricing at our standard rate or get a customized quote

Get started

Create your account now or book a call with one of our experts

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