ProfitWell Report
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How's Your NPS? Find Your NPS Benchmarks

In this episode of the ProfitWell Report, we studied just over 5,000 recurring revenue companies and 25,000 consumers to provide benchmarks on NPS (net promoter score) and 3 factors that can help boost it.

This episode might reference ProfitWell and ProfitWell Recur, which following the acquisition by Paddle is now Paddle Studios. Some information may be out of date.

Originally published: May 9th, 2018

NPS or net promoter score is trending down across the board. But are the products we are building today really worse than they were 5 years ago? As the data suggests, with competition increasing it's getting tougher to drive a memorable experience that returns high NPS, but your brand, support, and speed to ship new features can help.

On this episode of the ProfitWell Report, Christian Holmsen, CEO at Rezstream asks us to look at how NPS has changed over the years and what seem to be the main drivers of higher NPS. To answer Christian's question, let’s look at the NPS data from just over five thousand subscription executives and nearly twenty five thousand consumers.

But first, if you like this kind of content and want to learn more, subscribe to get in the know when we release new episodes.

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NPS Trending Down

To not bury the lede - net promoter score across different industries and ARPU levels has actually trended downward over the past five years and when cross referencing roughly a dozen factors, brand, usage, and support satisfaction seem to be the main influencers.

Overall, it’s hard to say the products we buy today are worse than the ones we bought a decade ago.

Yet, NPS data tells a different story.

When looking at NPS in both B2B and B2C aggregated across thousands of companies, note that the average Net Promoter Score five years ago was in the upper 20s and low 30s. With a scale of -100 to 100 that’s pretty good, but the average today has dropped to single digits and low teens. Why has NPS performance dropped regardless of industry?

Average NPS is Trending Down

What’s causing the change? Well, frankly consumers have become more and more ungrateful. This isn’t because you’re doing your job worse today than you were five years ago, but you’re certainly in a world where there’s more competition and creating a magical customer experience is just that much harder. But without a great customer experience, you run the risk of creating more customer churn, less customer loyalty, and driving down a good NPS score. And, ultimately, a poor NPS score doesn't bode well for churn and retention rates (regardless of industry).

3 Key Factors to Boost Your NPS

So how do you boost your NPS? When looking at 12 different factors we found you need to focus on brand, support, and the frequency you’re shipping.


Brand appeared to drive NPS the most. We coded respondents perception of a company’s brand before measuring their NPS. Those customers who perceived a company’s brand positively had over double the NPS as those who were neutral. Negative perception just tanked NPS as to be expected.

Brand Heavily Influences NPS

Support experience

Customer service and support perception showed similar results with positive perceptions of a company’s support showing 50-70% higher NPS than those customers with neutral perception.

Support Experience Heavily influences Negative NPS

Frequency of updates

Finally, the frequency at which you ship new features or products showed a positive trend, as well with customers who perceived the company as shipping new features and functionality often having 30-40% higher NPS than those who perceived the company as shipping infrequently.

Frequency of Updates Influences NPS

Of course, many of these factors compound on one another, but in isolation the story they tell is that momentum and brand is crucial to customer satisfaction. Long gone are the days where a product just needed to work in order for your customer to love you and the expectations will continue to increase as the B2B and B2C products in our world of recurring revenue become more and more magical. The important part is getting feedback from customers on your NPS survey. Without feedback and responses, you'll have no way to measure your improvements.

Want to learn more? Check out our recent episode: Driving Higher ARPU at Signup with Value Metrics and subscribe to the show to get new episodes.

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00:00:00,320 --> 00:00:03,520

You've got the questions,

and we have the data.


00:00:03,520 --> 00:00:06,620

This is the ProfitWell Report.


00:00:08,255 --> 00:00:11,194

Hey, Patrick. Christian

from Rezstream here.


00:00:11,215 --> 00:00:15,260

We recently implemented an

NPS tool to better track


00:00:15,260 --> 00:00:17,340

satisfaction amongst

our hotel clients.


00:00:17,340 --> 00:00:22,685

So my question to you is, how

has NPS changed over the years?


00:00:22,685 --> 00:00:24,925

And what seems to be the main

drivers in your overview?


00:00:24,925 --> 00:00:25,885

Great question, Christian.


00:00:25,885 --> 00:00:29,325

Because NPS or Net Promoter

Score has been something that's


00:00:29,325 --> 00:00:31,630

been fascinating

for quite some time.


00:00:31,630 --> 00:00:32,510

To answer your question,


00:00:32,510 --> 00:00:34,910

let's look at the NPS data

from just over five thousand


00:00:34,910 --> 00:00:37,310

subscription companies and

nearly twenty five thousand


00:00:37,310 --> 00:00:38,605

subscription consumers.


00:00:38,605 --> 00:00:38,845



00:00:38,845 --> 00:00:39,565

not bear the lead,


00:00:39,565 --> 00:00:42,205

Net Promoter Score across

different industries at ARPU


00:00:42,205 --> 00:00:45,245

levels has actually trended

downward over the past five years.


00:00:45,245 --> 00:00:48,050

And when cross referencing

roughly a dozen factors,


00:00:48,050 --> 00:00:50,670

brand usage and

support satisfaction


00:00:50,690 --> 00:00:52,370

seem to be the main influencers.


00:00:52,370 --> 00:00:52,770



00:00:52,770 --> 00:00:55,330

it's hard to say that products

that we buy today are worse


00:00:55,330 --> 00:00:57,305

than the ones we

bought a decade ago.


00:00:57,305 --> 00:00:59,785

Yet, NPS data tells

a different story.


00:00:59,785 --> 00:01:02,825

When looking at NPS in both

b to b and b to c aggregated


00:01:02,825 --> 00:01:04,570

across thousands of companies,


00:01:04,570 --> 00:01:07,370

note that the average NPS score

five years ago was in the upper


00:01:07,370 --> 00:01:08,970

twenties and low thirties.


00:01:08,970 --> 00:01:11,130

With a scale of negative

a hundred to a hundred,


00:01:11,130 --> 00:01:11,985

that's pretty good.


00:01:11,985 --> 00:01:16,045

But the average today has dropped

to single digits in low teens.


00:01:16,145 --> 00:01:17,985

So what's causing this change?


00:01:17,985 --> 00:01:21,810

Well, frankly, consumers have

become more and more ungrateful.


00:01:21,810 --> 00:01:24,130

This isn't because you're doing

your job worse today than you


00:01:24,130 --> 00:01:25,330

were five years ago,


00:01:25,330 --> 00:01:27,810

but you're certainly in a world

where more competition and


00:01:27,810 --> 00:01:31,305

creating magical experiences

is is just that much harder.


00:01:31,305 --> 00:01:31,545



00:01:31,545 --> 00:01:33,065

how do you boost your NPS?


00:01:33,065 --> 00:01:34,585

When looking at twelve

different factors,


00:01:34,585 --> 00:01:36,985

we found you need to

focus on brand, support,


00:01:36,985 --> 00:01:38,950

and the frequency

you're shipping.


00:01:38,950 --> 00:01:40,790

Brand appeared to

drive NPS the most.


00:01:40,790 --> 00:01:43,190

We quoted respondents

perception of a company's brand


00:01:43,190 --> 00:01:45,030

before measuring their NPS.


00:01:45,030 --> 00:01:48,390

Those consumers who perceive

a company's brand positively had


00:01:48,390 --> 00:01:51,335

over double the NPS as

those who were neutral.


00:01:51,335 --> 00:01:55,095

Negative perception just

tanked NPS as to be expected.


00:01:55,095 --> 00:01:57,735

Support perception showed

similar results with positive


00:01:57,735 --> 00:02:00,760

perceptions of company support

showing fifty to seventy


00:02:00,760 --> 00:02:04,600

percent higher NPS than those

customers with neutral perceptions.


00:02:04,600 --> 00:02:08,925

Finally, the frequency at which you ship

new features or products showed a positive


00:02:11,125 --> 00:02:13,925

shipping new features and

functionality often having


00:02:13,925 --> 00:02:17,125

thirty to forty percent higher

NPS than those who perceive the


00:02:17,125 --> 00:02:19,200

company as shipping



00:02:19,200 --> 00:02:19,440



00:02:19,440 --> 00:02:22,480

course, many of these factors

compound on one another.


00:02:22,480 --> 00:02:23,440

But in isolation,


00:02:23,440 --> 00:02:26,675

the story they tell us is

that momentum and brand are crucial


00:02:26,675 --> 00:02:28,575

to customer satisfaction.


00:02:28,595 --> 00:02:31,235

Long gone are the days where

a product just needed to work in


00:02:31,235 --> 00:02:32,755

order for a customer

to love you,


00:02:32,755 --> 00:02:35,470

and the expectations will

continue to increase as the b


00:02:35,470 --> 00:02:38,990

to b and b to c products in

our world of recurring revenue


00:02:38,990 --> 00:02:40,830

become more and more magical.


00:02:40,830 --> 00:02:41,070



00:02:41,070 --> 00:02:41,870

that's all for now.


00:02:41,870 --> 00:02:42,750

If you have a question,


00:02:42,750 --> 00:02:45,545

shoot me an email or video

to p c at profitable dot com.


00:02:45,545 --> 00:02:48,265

Let's also thank Christian from

RezStream here for sparking


00:02:48,265 --> 00:02:51,200

this research by by clicking on the

link below to give him some love.


00:02:51,200 --> 00:02:53,100

We'll see you next week.

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