ProfitWell Report
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Does Content Marketing Actually Work?

On this episode of the ProfitWell Report we're figuring out whether or not content marketing really works in the long run. Can it help your company grow? Does it have an impact on net retention? Well, after gathering data from over 3,000 subscription businesses and 30,000 subscription consumers, we're ready to give out all the answers.

This episode might reference ProfitWell and ProfitWell Recur, which following the acquisition by Paddle is now Paddle Studios. Some information may be out of date.

Originally published: October 29, 2018

Content marketing has become the gold standard in marketing, helping your prospects and customers understand your business, the problems you’re solving, and giving them value before they’ve even considered purchasing from you. The growth of content is also undeniable with the U.S. about to see nearly 30 million blogs, and the entire world is seeing roughly 5 times that. But is it working?

But first, if you like this kind of content and want to learn more, subscribe to get in the know when we release new episodes.

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Customer acquisition costs (CAC) are up across the board, but content CAC is roughly 15% less than paid CAC, suggesting some efficiency when it comes to an inbound marketing strategy.

Paid CAC is 30% Higher than Content CAC

Note though that content CAC is actually growing at a quicker rate than paid CAC, suggesting that this gap may be closing as content becomes more expensive to produce due to the density of how much content is out there.

Here’s what’s interesting though:

47% of buyers still view 3 to 5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative, companies with blogs tend to get 67% more leads than those who don’t have a blog, and Inbound marketing close rates are still 8 to 10 times higher compared to those of outbound efforts.

So even though there are increasing costs, there’s a compounding effect when it comes to content. After all, content ads significantly to brand, trust, and even surface area since content can sit on your site forever.

When it comes to retention, companies who are deploying content are seeing 5%-10% better retention, especially when they deploy content that is more customer success focused. 

Net Retention Relative to Content Strategy

And yet, content’s power appears to be more on the overall growth side of the house as hinted at from the facts and figures cited above.

When comparing overall growth rates between companies deploying a content strategy with those who aren’t, the content companies are seeing roughly 30% higher growth rates than folks not using content marketing.

Content Marketing Drives Growth

It’s safe to say that the whole theory that HubSpot drove so many years ago around Inbound Marketing turned out to be true.

While we can give HubSpot credit, this also reflects just the shift in the market. Density of more and more companies vying for your attention and the diminishing of information asymmetry means that our customers have more power now, and that’s amazing.

The onus is now on us to focus on brand, focus on education, and ultimately focus on a great user experience to convert prospects into customers. It’s the inbound way.  

Want to learn more? Check out our recent episode: Customer Success Reduces Churn & Increases Expansion Revenue and subscribe to the show to get new episodes.

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00:00:00,320 --> 00:00:03,520

You've got the questions,

and we have the data.


00:00:03,520 --> 00:00:06,620

This is the ProfitWell Report.


00:00:08,535 --> 00:00:09,175

Hey, Patrick.


00:00:09,175 --> 00:00:12,055

Chris Handy here from CloseOne

with a quick question for you


00:00:12,055 --> 00:00:16,115

about content marketing strategy

being executed at companies.


00:00:16,610 --> 00:00:19,010

If a company is really going

hard on content marketing,


00:00:19,010 --> 00:00:20,370

is that really paying off?


00:00:20,370 --> 00:00:22,930

Are they getting the results

at the end of the day when you


00:00:22,930 --> 00:00:24,565

look at the balance sheet?


00:00:24,565 --> 00:00:28,005

Content marketing has become

the gold standard in marketing.


00:00:28,005 --> 00:00:31,585

Helping your prospects and

customers understand your business,


00:00:38,970 --> 00:00:42,075

million nearly thirty

million blogs and


00:00:42,075 --> 00:00:45,115

the entire world seeing

roughly five times that.


00:00:45,115 --> 00:00:46,715

But is it working?


00:00:46,715 --> 00:00:47,915

To answer Chris's question,


00:00:47,915 --> 00:00:50,360

we looked at over three

thousand companies and thirty


00:00:50,360 --> 00:00:53,080

thousand customers and

here's what we found.


00:00:53,080 --> 00:00:57,160

Customer acquisition costs or

CAC is up across the board, but


00:00:57,160 --> 00:01:00,305

content CAC CAC is roughly

fifteen percent less than paid


00:01:00,305 --> 00:01:03,585

CAC suggesting some efficiency

when it comes to an inbound


00:01:03,585 --> 00:01:05,050

marketing strategy.


00:01:05,050 --> 00:01:07,850

Note though that content CAC is

actually growing at a quicker


00:01:07,850 --> 00:01:11,450

rate than paid CAC suggesting

that this gap may be closing as


00:01:11,450 --> 00:01:14,925

content becomes more and more

expensive to produce due to the


00:01:14,925 --> 00:01:17,565

density of how much

content is out there.


00:01:17,565 --> 00:01:19,165

Here's what's

interesting though.


00:01:19,165 --> 00:01:22,365

Forty seven percent of buyers

still view three to five pieces


00:01:22,365 --> 00:01:24,400

of content before engaging

with the sales rep.


00:01:24,400 --> 00:01:24,880



00:01:24,880 --> 00:01:27,520

Companies with blogs tend to

get sixty seven percent more


00:01:27,520 --> 00:01:30,400

leads than those who don't have

a blog and inbound marketing


00:01:30,400 --> 00:01:33,725

close rates are still eight to

ten x those of outbound efforts.


00:01:33,725 --> 00:01:35,965

So even though there's

an increasing cost,


00:01:35,965 --> 00:01:39,005

there's a compounding effect on

growth here especially when it


00:01:39,005 --> 00:01:40,205

comes to content.


00:01:40,205 --> 00:01:43,330

After all, content adds significantly

to brand trust and and even


00:01:43,330 --> 00:01:46,770

surface area since content

can sit on your site forever.


00:01:46,770 --> 00:01:48,210

When it comes to retention,


00:01:48,210 --> 00:01:51,445

companies who are deploying

content are seeing five to ten


00:01:51,445 --> 00:01:53,925

percent better retention

especially when they deploy


00:01:53,925 --> 00:01:56,165

content that is more

customer focused.


00:01:56,165 --> 00:01:58,965

Yet content's power appears to

be more on the overall growth


00:01:58,965 --> 00:02:02,960

side of the house as hinted at from

the facts and figures cited above.


00:02:02,960 --> 00:02:05,440

When comparing overall growth

rates between companies


00:02:05,440 --> 00:02:08,115

deploying a content strategy

with those who aren't,


00:02:08,115 --> 00:02:10,675

the content companies are

seeing roughly thirty percent


00:02:10,675 --> 00:02:14,435

higher growth rates than folks

not using content marketing.


00:02:14,435 --> 00:02:18,060

It's safe to say that the whole

theory that HubSpot drove so


00:02:18,060 --> 00:02:21,660

many years ago around inbound

marketing turned out to be true.


00:02:21,660 --> 00:02:23,660

And while we can

give HubSpot credit,


00:02:23,660 --> 00:02:26,385

this also reflects just

the shift in the market.


00:02:26,385 --> 00:02:28,865

Density of more and

more companies vying for your


00:02:28,865 --> 00:02:31,665

attention and the diminishing

information asymmetry that


00:02:31,665 --> 00:02:35,060

exists in the market means that

our customers have more power


00:02:35,060 --> 00:02:37,060

now and that's amazing.


00:02:37,060 --> 00:02:41,145

The onus is now on us to focus

on brand, focus on education,


00:02:41,145 --> 00:02:44,505

and ultimately focus on a

greater user experience to


00:02:44,505 --> 00:02:47,465

convert those prospects

into customers.


00:02:47,465 --> 00:02:51,440

After all, it's the inbound

way. Well, that's all for now.


00:02:51,440 --> 00:02:52,480

If you have a question,


00:02:52,480 --> 00:02:55,735

ship me an email or video to p

c at profit well dot dot com.


00:02:55,735 --> 00:02:58,535

Now let's also thank Chris from

closed one for sparking this


00:02:58,535 --> 00:03:01,015

research by clicking the link below

to share and give him a


00:03:01,015 --> 00:03:02,380

nice little shout out.


00:03:02,380 --> 00:03:03,880

We'll see you next


00:03:04,340 --> 00:03:05,440



00:03:05,900 --> 00:03:08,460

This week's episode is

brought to you by SalesHandy,


00:03:08,460 --> 00:03:11,619

a sales communication and

analytics tool to make inside


00:03:11,619 --> 00:03:14,719

sales teams around the

world highly productive.


00:03:14,739 --> 00:03:16,824

Sales handy dot com.

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