ProfitWell Report
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Including "Blockchain" in Marketing Copy Powers Willingness to Pay

On this episode of the ProfitWell Report, we answer the question: How does having "blockchain" or "crypto" in your marketing impact willingness to pay?

This episode might reference ProfitWell and ProfitWell Recur, which following the acquisition by Paddle is now Paddle Studios. Some information may be out of date.

Originally published: March 6, 2018

In less than a decade, the concepts of the blockchain and cryptocurrency have gone mainstream and permeated throughout our financial markets and a myriad of different products, from IBM's Watson to the "internet of things".

You even had the Long Island Iced Tea company try to pivot and rename themselves Long Blockchain company, which resulted in seeing almost a 300% jump in their stock.

There’s a ton of hype around blockchain in general, which is why we’re answering our question today. To determine just how much blockchain impacts willingness to pay, we designed a pricing experiment with just over eleven and a half thousand target customers.

We asked a control group their willingness to pay for a fake finance product. We then asked a demographically congruent group about the same finance product, but with a variation of “with 'Blockchain' technology” in the marketing copy.

But first, if you like this kind of content and want to learn more, subscribe to get in the know when we release new episodes.

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We changed nothing, but the marketing copy.

We found that if you include blockchain in your copy, it will boost willingness to pay by essentially 20-25%. For better or for worse, when just mentioning cryptocurrency technology, willingness to pay basically didn’t move.

Blockchain Drives Willingess to Pay

I’m not sure what this says about humanity, but it definitely indicates even in a downmarket for cryptocurrency and blockchain hype, there’s still some hype when it comes to this new fangled technology.

Whether this hype turns out to be true and worthwhile is a whole different story, but for now this hype can be taken advantage of as IBM and other companies have been doing.

We need to keep in mind though that over time consumers will get more educated and the impact of the marketing speak will diminish, which is good for all of us long term, because at that point, it’ll be back to all being about the actual value being delivered.

For now, If you have the chance, go ahead and take advantage of the hype, but I’d recommend personally making sure you’re backing up and not being a grifty company selling snake oil.

Want to learn more? Check out our recent episode: The Data From 70k Customers Reveals the Impact of Design and subscribe to the show to get new episodes.

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00:00:00,320 --> 00:00:03,520

You've got the questions,

and we have the data.


00:00:03,520 --> 00:00:06,620

This is the ProfitWell Report.


00:00:09,185 --> 00:00:09,745

Hi, Neil.


00:00:09,745 --> 00:00:13,425

I'm Marcelo from Brazil, and

I'm the cofounder of Convenia.


00:00:13,425 --> 00:00:17,960

So my question is, how does

having blockchain or crypto in


00:00:17,960 --> 00:00:21,080

your marketing impact

the willingness to pay?


00:00:21,080 --> 00:00:22,105

Thank you.


00:00:22,105 --> 00:00:24,505

Welcome back, folks. Neil

here from ProfitWell.


00:00:24,505 --> 00:00:25,785

In less than a decade,


00:00:25,785 --> 00:00:28,745

the concepts of blockchain

and cryptocurrency have gone


00:00:28,745 --> 00:00:31,065

mainstream and permeated

throughout our financial


00:00:31,065 --> 00:00:34,270

markets in a myriad of

different products from IBM's


00:00:34,270 --> 00:00:36,350

Watson to the

Internet of Things.


00:00:36,350 --> 00:00:39,230

He even had the Long Island

Iced Tea Company try to pivot


00:00:39,230 --> 00:00:40,715

and rename themselves


00:00:49,380 --> 00:00:52,820

in general, which is why we're

answering our question today.


00:00:52,820 --> 00:00:56,100

To determine just how much blockchain

impacts willingness to pay,


00:00:56,100 --> 00:00:58,805

we designed a pricing

experiment with just over


00:00:58,805 --> 00:01:00,965

eleven and a half

thousand target customers.


00:01:00,965 --> 00:01:03,285

We asked the control group

their willingness to pay for a


00:01:03,285 --> 00:01:04,725

fake finance product.


00:01:04,725 --> 00:01:08,600

We then asked a demographically congruent

group about the same finance product,


00:01:08,600 --> 00:01:13,560

but with a variation of with blockchain

technology in the marketing copy.


00:01:13,560 --> 00:01:16,335

We changed nothing but

the marketing copy.


00:01:16,335 --> 00:01:18,975

We found that if you include

blockchain in your copy,


00:01:18,975 --> 00:01:22,655

it will boost willingness to pay

by twenty to twenty five percent.


00:01:22,655 --> 00:01:23,775

For better or worse,


00:01:23,775 --> 00:01:26,530

when just mentioning

cryptocurrency technology,


00:01:26,530 --> 00:01:29,170

willingness to pay

didn't really move.


00:01:29,170 --> 00:01:31,410

I'm not sure what this

says about humanity,


00:01:31,410 --> 00:01:33,970

but it definitely indicates

even a down market for


00:01:33,970 --> 00:01:36,145

cryptocurrency and

blockchain hype.


00:01:36,145 --> 00:01:39,185

There's still some hype when it

comes to this newfangled technology,


00:01:39,185 --> 00:01:41,425

but whether or not this hype

turns out to be true and


00:01:41,425 --> 00:01:43,820

worthwhile is a whole

different story.


00:01:43,820 --> 00:01:47,180

For now, this hype can be taken

advantage of as IBM and other


00:01:47,180 --> 00:01:48,620

companies have been doing.


00:01:48,620 --> 00:01:51,340

We need to keep in mind though

that over time consumers will


00:01:51,340 --> 00:01:55,465

get more educated and the impact of

the marketing speak will diminish,


00:01:55,465 --> 00:01:58,425

which is good for all of us in the

long term because at that point,


00:01:58,425 --> 00:02:01,850

it'll be back to all being about

the actual value being delivered.


00:02:01,850 --> 00:02:03,770

For now, if you have the chance,


00:02:03,770 --> 00:02:05,610

go ahead and take

advantage of the hype,


00:02:05,610 --> 00:02:08,250

but I'd recommend personally

making sure you're backing up


00:02:08,250 --> 00:02:11,265

and not being a grifty

company selling snake oil.


00:02:11,265 --> 00:02:12,385

Well, that's all for now.


00:02:12,385 --> 00:02:13,505

If you have a question,


00:02:13,505 --> 00:02:16,625

send me an email or video

to neil at profit well dot com.


00:02:16,625 --> 00:02:19,650

And if you got value here or

any other week of the report,


00:02:19,650 --> 00:02:22,370

we appreciate any and all

shares on Twitter and LinkedIn


00:02:22,370 --> 00:02:24,290

because that's how we

know to keep going.


00:02:24,290 --> 00:02:26,270

I'll see you next week.


00:02:28,105 --> 00:02:30,505

This week's episode is

brought to you by Sales Handy,


00:02:30,505 --> 00:02:33,545

a sales communication and

analytics tool to make inside


00:02:33,545 --> 00:02:36,645

sales teams around the

world highly productive.


00:02:36,763 --> 00:02:38,808

Sales handy dot com.

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